Free Meet Ups
What makes Diablo Writers' Workshop tick is our great community of writers. Writing can be a solitary endeavor, and we strive to create opportunities for our writers to connect and write. We've hosted a weekly co-writing session and monthly Andrea's has led a facilitated meet up for writers to gather and submit their writing.
These sessions are free and drop in. We're taking brief hiatus. But stay tuned!
The Co-Write will be back in October and Submit It Now! in 2025. Join Us!
Co-Writing Wednesdays
Motivation. Accountability. Community.
Spend productive time writing in community. After a brief check in, you'll set an intention and then get down to writing, reading, researching, musing--whatever you need time for to support your writing life. (Audio muted, camera on or off). We'll co-write for 2 hours--stay for some or all of the time, again whatever works for you. Generate new work or revise a work-in- progress.
No need to register in advance. FREE On Zoom.
Hosted by Andrea most Wednesdays thru 2024.
9:15 am: Meet on Zoom, brief intros and intentions
9:30 am -11:30 am: Co-Write
11:30 am Check in and wrap by 11:45 am
(times are PST)
The Wednesday Co-Write is on a brief holiday hiatus. Returns January 22, 2025
Submit It Now!
Time and support to help you get your
work out to literary journals
FREE. On Zoom
On Hiatus--Back in 2025
Gather with other writers and dedicate an hour to submitting your writing to lit mags. After a brief check-in, Andrea will take a few minutes to introduce you to a great tool or resource to make the submission process easier and more fun. From there you will get to work and she’ll be available for questions. At the close we’ll see how the hour went and celebrate hitting SUBMIT. No advance registration needed.